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Can Removing Parts Of A Page Improve Conversion Rates?

When it comes to your website, it is easy to assume that the more information available to users the better. The thinking behind this is that a user has all the information they require to make a purchase or enquire, however, this isn’t always the best way to increase conversions.

Why is it bad to include too much information?

While generally, the more information you include on a page is better, that content needs to be relevant to what the user is trying to achieve at that time. This relates strongly to Search Intent when it comes to SEO, does the page serve the purpose that relates to the search terms being used and the desired actions?

If there is information that is not necessary at the time, this can lead to users skipping reading the text as they can scan over it and realise that they don’t need to read it all. Burying important information in a page in this way is never good for conversions and can lead to users misunderstanding and contacting the business with questions that are actually answered on the pages themselves. If you are receiving questions when the information is already on your website, this is a clear sign of a problem.

What information should I include on a page?

Put yourself in the mindset of a user, landing on a page for the very first time. This is what we did with one of our clients, on their product pages we found that there was a large section all about the history of the company. While this is information that perhaps a user would be interested in, a user would generally navigate to the ‘About Us’ page to find this information, rather than look on product pages.

After identifying this we ran an A/B split test to simply delete that section from the pages:

This led to an uplift in conversions, just by removing a section of the product pages we were able to improve the user experience, make the pages faster to load and improve the conversion rate.

Ultimately this increased conversion rate by 2.3% for product pages (the majority of pages on an ecommerce website).

As well as this change we also ran a number of other conversion rate tests to improve the product pages for the client which has since resulted in many more sales. If you would like to find out more about improving your website to generate more revenue or leads, contact the CRO Team at Colewood.